Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Why is it that I can't get over the 157 hump. I was so excited a few weeks ago when I got down to 157. This morning, I woke up and I was 158. I guess I could look at the positive. For the most part, I'm maintaining my weight. I just have to get over that next hump. If I can ever just get to 149...I'll be so happy.

I think a lot of my problems can be blamed on having a boyfriend. Last night, I wanted to come home and drink a glass of wine. Watching American Idol with my boyfriend, the glass of wine turned into almost an entire bottle. THAT'S ridiculous. I didn't need all that. Why is it my boyfriend's fault? I think you get caught in this comfort thing where it's easier to say yes to something that you maybe would have said no to if you were alone. I also end up skipping a lot of work outs because I'd rather be hanging out with my boyfriend. Before I had one, two a day work outs were normal for everyday occurrence that was not a challenge. Now, I'm lucky to get one work out in!

Does anyone have any suggestions for staying on track while being in a relationship? I need help.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The scale...

I'm now down to 157.5. I feel amazing. Finally, I feel like I'm going in the right direction. Still have a ways to go, but I'm on the right track.

I've decided that having a digital scale at home has helped tremendously. I think because every single time I go to the bathroom, I check my weight. If I don't like where I am, I know not to eat. It's just a constant reminder that I really need.

Some people don't like using scales, they'd rather use a tape measure, I think as along as your are checking yourself daily, you'll start seeing progress.

Have a great Friday!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

I've already come a long way...

This WAS me (the one on the left)!

God knows when you need a nice boost in confidence. I'm convinced that's the reason my friend Alison posted a bunch of pictures of me from high school.

Back in high school, I weighed around 200 pounds. I never really thought of myself as "fat," but I should have. I was extremely unhealthy. I didn't exercise much and I ate whatever I wanted.

It wasn't until probably my junior year of college that I got control of my weight. My lowest since this has been 144 pounds. Just a few minutes ago, I weighed in at 161.5. Yes, I've gained 17 and a half pounds since my lowest weight, but I've kept off about 40 pounds. That in itself is a victory!

Alison, thanks for posting the pictures and reminding me that I've already come so far! Only about 25 pounds to go!


Pictures for your viewing pleasure:

I think at this point, I had just started college. I'm the one in the blue shirt. Freshman 50 anyone? My friend Alison is the one who appears to have one leg.

I'm the one on the far right.

I think I was in high school here. I'm the one in the front and I remember thinking that sweater flattered me. UGH!


Friday, February 19, 2010

So...good news and bad news.

I bought a digital scale. It's been awesome. It gives such accurate numbers and I'm really happy to have it at home so I can weigh whenever I feel like I need a reality check.

I got down to 160 this week. I'm so excited. I think I might cry when I see 159...

The last two days, I've struggled with eating. Not struggling with working out so much, but eating is an issue.

I'm trying, I'm trying! Please keep praying for me.



PS: I really hope to do six miles tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Gosh, I'm just terrible at blogging. I can't seem to post on a regular basis.

Truthfully, it's been a rough month. I am not anywhere closer to my goal. I continue to workout, but apparently, I continue to eat just too much. I'm struggling so much.

My current weight is about 166. Tonight, when I looked at that number, it made me run an extra mile at the gym. I guess that's a good thing.

Today, I ran/walked 4 miles. I ran about 2 and a half of it. Walked the rest. Then, I took a break, came home and chilled on the couch, went for a drive with Michael. Came home, watched American Idol. Then, went to the gym, did 20 on the elliptical, then ran a mile on the treadmill.

I feel like my exercise is right where I need it to be. I just have to watch my food intake.

I think I need to buy a scale. An accurate one, so I get on it every night and see what I weigh, before I eat.

Does anyone have any tips? I could use anything and everything you got. How do you get your eating habits under control?



Thursday, January 7, 2010

Another frustrating day

Let me tell you how my day went...

Ate a sensible lunch and dinner but spent most of my day on the couch.

Around 2:30 PM, I went for 4 mile run. Then, went to a step aerobics class. Came home, ate dinner. It wasn't the best nutritionally, but it was good and not terrible for me. (Red beans and rice)

Went to the gym and weighed. I gained another 1.5 pounds. I'm now at 167.

I am PRAYING that it has to do with all the extra working out I'm doing. I'm hoping once I take a day weight will find where it needs to be.

Keep praying for me!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Disappointing Day

UGH! I weighed today for the first time since I started this blog. I've gained about a pound and a half. I'm currently at 165.5. That's ridiculous. I still don't have my eating habits under control, but my exercise plan is going well. I ran another 4 miles today then went to the gym for about an hour.

My running so far is 14 miles total.

I can only hope that I gained weight because I'm exercising harder. I am praying for God's guidance as I continue this journey. I have GOT to stay away from the fridge.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Weekends are hard

This weekend I had several successes and several failures.

I ran 4 miles Saturday, 4 miles Sunday, and hit the gym Sunday night. I'm proud of that, but I did have difficulties with my eating. ALWAYS a struggle there.

I was not able to weigh this weekend either because the gym I'm going to is new and doesn't have a scale yet. So, I have no clue if I've lost a couple of pounds or not.

Today, Monday, was my rest day. I wasn't TERRIBLE with my eating, but there is always room to improve.

I had my favorite healthy restaurant food today. It's Chili's Guiltless Chicken Sandwich. SO GOOD! Try it.

Anyway, keep praying for me...and I'll pray for you.!

Hope your week is off to a great start!


Friday, January 1, 2010

Video Blog 1-1-09

Don't pay attention to the lack of makeup...but click here to get to know me a bit better...


Happy New Year!

Many people make weight loss their New Year's resolution. I want to lose weight...but it won't be my resolution.

My resolution is to run 1,000 miles. I'm hoping weight loss becomes a nice side effect.

I hope you'll run along with me on this journey. I can use all the encouragement I can get!

Here we go...

Starting Weight: 164 pounds

A little background:

I used to weigh almost 200 pounds. Five years ago I began Jazzercising, then running, then long workouts at the gym. I got down to 144 pounds. I cannot describe how amazing seeing those numbers on the scale was for me. I want that number back. Actually, I want 134.

Here I am in my 144 days...

Here I am now...

Thanks for coming to my blog...if you want to send me a message: