Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Why is it that I can't get over the 157 hump. I was so excited a few weeks ago when I got down to 157. This morning, I woke up and I was 158. I guess I could look at the positive. For the most part, I'm maintaining my weight. I just have to get over that next hump. If I can ever just get to 149...I'll be so happy.

I think a lot of my problems can be blamed on having a boyfriend. Last night, I wanted to come home and drink a glass of wine. Watching American Idol with my boyfriend, the glass of wine turned into almost an entire bottle. THAT'S ridiculous. I didn't need all that. Why is it my boyfriend's fault? I think you get caught in this comfort thing where it's easier to say yes to something that you maybe would have said no to if you were alone. I also end up skipping a lot of work outs because I'd rather be hanging out with my boyfriend. Before I had one, two a day work outs were normal for everyday occurrence that was not a challenge. Now, I'm lucky to get one work out in!

Does anyone have any suggestions for staying on track while being in a relationship? I need help.