Thursday, February 25, 2010

The scale...

I'm now down to 157.5. I feel amazing. Finally, I feel like I'm going in the right direction. Still have a ways to go, but I'm on the right track.

I've decided that having a digital scale at home has helped tremendously. I think because every single time I go to the bathroom, I check my weight. If I don't like where I am, I know not to eat. It's just a constant reminder that I really need.

Some people don't like using scales, they'd rather use a tape measure, I think as along as your are checking yourself daily, you'll start seeing progress.

Have a great Friday!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

I've already come a long way...

This WAS me (the one on the left)!

God knows when you need a nice boost in confidence. I'm convinced that's the reason my friend Alison posted a bunch of pictures of me from high school.

Back in high school, I weighed around 200 pounds. I never really thought of myself as "fat," but I should have. I was extremely unhealthy. I didn't exercise much and I ate whatever I wanted.

It wasn't until probably my junior year of college that I got control of my weight. My lowest since this has been 144 pounds. Just a few minutes ago, I weighed in at 161.5. Yes, I've gained 17 and a half pounds since my lowest weight, but I've kept off about 40 pounds. That in itself is a victory!

Alison, thanks for posting the pictures and reminding me that I've already come so far! Only about 25 pounds to go!


Pictures for your viewing pleasure:

I think at this point, I had just started college. I'm the one in the blue shirt. Freshman 50 anyone? My friend Alison is the one who appears to have one leg.

I'm the one on the far right.

I think I was in high school here. I'm the one in the front and I remember thinking that sweater flattered me. UGH!


Friday, February 19, 2010

So...good news and bad news.

I bought a digital scale. It's been awesome. It gives such accurate numbers and I'm really happy to have it at home so I can weigh whenever I feel like I need a reality check.

I got down to 160 this week. I'm so excited. I think I might cry when I see 159...

The last two days, I've struggled with eating. Not struggling with working out so much, but eating is an issue.

I'm trying, I'm trying! Please keep praying for me.



PS: I really hope to do six miles tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Gosh, I'm just terrible at blogging. I can't seem to post on a regular basis.

Truthfully, it's been a rough month. I am not anywhere closer to my goal. I continue to workout, but apparently, I continue to eat just too much. I'm struggling so much.

My current weight is about 166. Tonight, when I looked at that number, it made me run an extra mile at the gym. I guess that's a good thing.

Today, I ran/walked 4 miles. I ran about 2 and a half of it. Walked the rest. Then, I took a break, came home and chilled on the couch, went for a drive with Michael. Came home, watched American Idol. Then, went to the gym, did 20 on the elliptical, then ran a mile on the treadmill.

I feel like my exercise is right where I need it to be. I just have to watch my food intake.

I think I need to buy a scale. An accurate one, so I get on it every night and see what I weigh, before I eat.

Does anyone have any tips? I could use anything and everything you got. How do you get your eating habits under control?

